HELMETS: Space, High Altitude, Pilot

Space Helmets (Historic)

The helmets in this section are all based on real helmets used in either U.S. or Russian missions.

These date from the 1960’s to present day

NOTE: Space helmets come in two types;

  • Conformal: Which is like a motorcycle helmet, in that they can be worn without the support of a spacesuit.
  • Non-Conformal: Like a fishbowl, these helmets are larger and require the suit to support them and cannot be worn separately.

Larger / Non-Conformal Helmets

The following helmets are large and have no internal padding, so cannot be worn without a spacesuit to support them.

Smaller/Conformal Helmets

The following helmets are smaller and have internal padding and can be worn without a spacesuit to support them.

Although some require and external airflow source for Actor safety.

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